Bam and boo

There was one year when we kept at the stage craft from 9am till 9pm, the lighting people were really pissed off about it, as their work can only begin once we are done. We had no idea we were supposed to be done by around 5pm, so some of the sand in their comments stung not a little.
I suspect they were under the impression that we were being paid by the hour and stringing things out. Our response was to complain to mummy in the shape of the hall manager and the end result was that we never see the sandier lighting engineer anymore and the other staff now fully informed of our volunteerness are much more polite. Apparently the chap in question had been developing quite a reputation as a scarer of the stage struck youth and general black cloud, so he was no loss. If your neighborhood is being infested by a long haired chap with a slim build and a singular pot belly (only evident when viewed from the side) who shows a marked preference for snake skin flip flop sandals in which he scuffs about the place, you now know where he came from.
Anyway, I don't think I have the energy for that kind of carry on these days, the plan is to get done by 5. In recent years, depending on which paper you read, I either run out of steam or manage to bring things to their easthetic peak at almost exactly 4:45.
I think I must switch to some larger paper in order that I might explore aspects of this theme with a little more vim.
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