Monday, July 07, 2008

Green gas

Acetylene is the most unstable item in my workshop. When I bought my first cylinder of it 900 or so days ago I didn't think I would ever need another one, because I use it so little. Now my pressure gages tell me I am going to have to revise that and get some more in. Something about the smell of the gas makes it seem as though it should be green, not in the environmental sense, but in the sickly poisonous sense. Strange that the same color can have such different connotations. Just me perhaps.
During one of my recent paddles in the shallow end of the Internet media pool I saw a video of Mr Bush being heckled at a 4th of July event. Several people had taken the trouble to pass the screening for the event so that they could have the pleasure of standing up and making derogatory statements directed at the actions of the presidential person. Mr Bush gave his little smile and commented, "We have free speech in this country". This struck me as more deeply ironic than he had intended as the scenes of each person being dragged away by the police played out. The dark interior of the gentleman that one glimpses through that little presidential smile seems in no way out of place in this post about volatile poisonous green gas.
I am afraid my views on politics are not at all realistic, I still think the best running mate for Mr. Obama would be Mr. McCain. That would be a real change, quantum non partisan politics.