Thursday, September 04, 2008


Many and varied activities left me stumped for a theme, so I just did me drawing this. Missed a day yesterday optimistically thinking I would do it in the morning I forgot all about posting.
I signed up to participate in some kind of group exhibition of sculpture in the autumn and a couple of the organizers came round today to take pictures of self at work. The photographer snapped away happily while I fiddled with a chisel and a few other things, then we popped up to look at a sculpture up the road and he snapped away some more. I asked him to send me any that looked interesting, so maybe he will one day. 
I am trying something different for the table legs, which involved a bit of setting up and chiseling. When I first started working on this house I found a little straight chisel about 15mm wide that had a very long neck. It had been lost and forgotten under the floor of the house and the handle was pretty rotten. I heated and bent the neck to turn it into a dog leg chisel, which has proved very handy for taking shavings off of joints. The handle finally broke, so I got on the lathe for a while to turn a new one. That was a fun five minutes. Again making me appreciate work done ages ago making up parts to let me turn wood on the metal lathe I have.