Dolphin like

Of course one does not wish to make comparisons, but I seem to be following a similar course to the race for space. Or at least the manned trips to the moon. Having made it into my third year of blogging I find myself a victim of the loss of novelty. However, the budget for this enterprise is minimal, so I shall try to push the envelope as far as I can in order to distinguish this particular endeavor from the more technological one aforementioned. Today's unrelated image is my first port of call each winter season morning, tending to the stove.
I had a peculiar session in the bath yesterday. We have several plastic dinosaur models on the windowsill left over from the era when the kids were wont to play with such things at bath time. The dolphin like Ichthyosaur often grabs my attention. But yesterday my mind quickly drifted off the peculiarities of evolution in repeatedly choosing such similar designs and onward into a lengthy discourse on the intricacies of interpreting the mode of communication between the marine mammals of the genus Tursiops. I am somewhat fascinated by the concept that these creatures may be able to communicate in sound pictures by vocalizing the sonar echoes they have "seen" directly to their peers. My mental activity hinged on methodologies for deciphering these messages by limiting the data and changing only certain features within the message. I am usually in and out pretty sharpish, but I lingered in the soup rather longer than usual due to these ponderings. They came to a close when I faced the fact that there was little point in going any further without extensive access to trained dolphins. Thankfully this was not to hand, or I would have been late for my supper.
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