Slab chocolate
Fairly productive day on the bookcase. The ends will have raised panels, so my T square method came into play again. The plank I wanted to use for the panels was very badly warped, so I had to cut it into rough lengths with room for a couple of panels on each so that I could keep it fairly thick. Taking the warp out of the whole plank would have turned it all to shavings. The cross cuts with the rounded cutter I made a year or so ago were done first on each piece.
Then the lengthwise cuts using the same cutter, but with the fence fitted on the machine to run along the edge of the work piece. That is the stage the piece on the left is at. Then change cutters to a plain flat bottom shape to trim off the scrap from the lengthwise edges. That is the one in the middle. If you click on the picture to get a bigger version you can see the various profiles in the scrap area at the far end of the middle piece.
Then on to cut the panels to length and pop them into the tenon cutter to cut the scrap off the ends. Those two on the right have been done. Then I use hand tools like the little plane with the fence attached (resting on top) to trim back the edges to a good fit in the grooves. I got one side trimmed down to a good fit and trial assembly, but the batteries on the camera gave out.
This view is looking in exactly the opposite direction to the one in through the window on the 24th.
Then the lengthwise cuts using the same cutter, but with the fence fitted on the machine to run along the edge of the work piece. That is the stage the piece on the left is at. Then change cutters to a plain flat bottom shape to trim off the scrap from the lengthwise edges. That is the one in the middle. If you click on the picture to get a bigger version you can see the various profiles in the scrap area at the far end of the middle piece.
Then on to cut the panels to length and pop them into the tenon cutter to cut the scrap off the ends. Those two on the right have been done. Then I use hand tools like the little plane with the fence attached (resting on top) to trim back the edges to a good fit in the grooves. I got one side trimmed down to a good fit and trial assembly, but the batteries on the camera gave out.
This view is looking in exactly the opposite direction to the one in through the window on the 24th.
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