Brambling innocence

I spent the morning at the saw and the planer making up some planks to form a back to the bookcase. In the early afternoon, back to school for the kids, volunteering. We had got to the tidying up stage before I thought to take a picture. Although the young uns are not disinterested I thought it best not to include any faces and teach is too blurred to recognize. One of the mini chairs is foreground left. After a well earned cup of Charlie I got back down to the shop to do some little chores on the base for the shelf unit.
Meanwhile, others in my universe seem to have used their day in a way far more open to criticism in arranging to spend it taking the lives of yet others.
And there my mind stalls, but for good grace I might be upon either of those other paths. The misguided racing around a circle of hate or collateral damage crushed in their path. Violence is one of the worst forms of communication as it can easily be interpreted in opposite ways. If there was a message behind this action it has not been addressed properly to reach me in any productive way. I feel it best to try and stick to some kind of road that runs fairly straight, then trust to luck and hope for a speedy end if one is to be crushed.
I wish for an end to the war of terror and for the concept of terrorism itself to spiral into nothingness.
Closer to home, a huge flock of Brambling flew in today, so I think we are assured of a little more white this winter. The last time I saw Brambling flocks that size the city blew its whole budget for clearing snow and gritting the roads in the first month of the year. I suppose they come further south to avoid the worst of the winter weather when their group mentality dictates it necessary. This means a longer flight back in the summer, so there is a fuzzy compromise going on. I am sure we have a group mentality too, but it has become rather disjointed and subject to manipulation.
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