
Having had time to ponder the challenge of the larger tree and its listing I remembered a technique I saw on a Stihl instructional video. I wanted to give the tree a heft into the void in the right direction and rope was not going to cut the mustard, delirious here, so please forgive the messy metaphors.
Anyway, I took along a 5m length of timber and cut a slot right through the trunk of the tree at an appropriate height and orientation to accommodate the end of said baulk. Then stationing the moderately recuperated Samster at the far end I gave him the nod to heave up on it at the appropriate moment. It worked a treat and the tree went over nicely. It caught on the branches of the tree at the center of pic for Feb03, but that just slowed it down a bit and it slotted nicely into the valley below.
After that things took a bit of a turn to the chaotic with the other smaller fellows we sent down to keep it company, but we ended the morning with all our fingers and toes and no damage to anything else. I think the delerium was already starting to kick in then, but I wanted to get that big bugger done before succumbing.
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