
Today we had another excursion into the city to pick up the remainder of my daughter's stuff from her college. We dropped the friends off en route. The final drop off was at the home of some people who had their car parked out front. I was surprised to see the state of it, covered in dust. I checked to see the neighbors car just in case it was a general problem, theirs was slightly better, but mighty far from perfect. It looked like someone had been sieving cement over the place.
This was later explained when I heard that a volcano to the north of us had been cooking up a storm and was dumping ash on all points south of it.
It reminded me of my first sight of the volcanic splashes out to sea from a volcanic island. That was when my daughter was just getting her first two teeth and fitted neatly into one of those pouches on my chest. I was out for a walk along the beach near where we lived and the memory is also tied to her first coordinated sounds, "DaDa" as she had just got her first weany teath the little surealist. She quickly learnt "Kore", along with a pointed finger, which meant "This" was what she wanted.
Unfortunately, aside from representing the preparations for departure the picture is just one of those weird juxtapositions that sometimes occur in the home, it was a nice day though.
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