Three views of the pole mount at the end of the work day. This is the maximum easterly tilt. The elevation unit gave me pause for thought as it clunked its way to stagnation when I first tried it, but luckily I had enough leeway to get it in the lathe and true up my cog effort a little. There is still significant jiggle, but it doesn't seize up.

I guess this represents something like midday in the winter, the sun perhaps a little higher in the sky even in winter.

This is the maximum westerly tilt. I think it will suffice due to our valley location. If not I will have to assemble a bigger rack for the azimuth unit by chopping off part of the window winder unit I didn't use. It should be possible to gain some conception of the gubbins from these three views. The wheelchair battery coming in handy to try out the motors and such. So far my only expenditure has been on time, a trickle of tap water to cool the TIG torch and the argon gas used up in welding, soapy spray and oil for lubricant, the few milimeters of tungsten electrode, the fuel to go and fetch the window winders, the food consumed, etc, etc. In fact if we get down to the minutii, a fortune lost. Let's hope it earns its keep once it finds the sun.
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