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Meanwhile the numbers of disenfranchised has extended beyond myself to those who got shut out of the polling booths. I have no vote, but I do have an opinion. The conservative candidate has no sense of self. I think he has modeled himself on Mr Blair and is also trying to please any person standing within six feet of him. Having been in that mode for so many months I think he may be stuck there. It is a shame as it seems that we will be seeing a lot more of him being tortured in this way. I suppose it seemed like a good idea at the time becoming prime minister. An interesting election that has done more than the American rating agencies to devalue the country and looks like it will continue to do so for a while longer.
I am disappointed that the swing to something different never happened, even a few minutes on YouTube was sufficient to convince me that if I had a vote it would have been orange given the alternatives. Too late now, but a clip entitled Cameron exposed, was particularly poignant.
The election of at least one Green party member and the lack of any sizeable BNP incursion were pleasing. Also interesting to see all the clips of 1974, and the last precariously balanced parliament. I look forward to seeing how these events will have changed the country when I visit in June.
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