Topsy turvy photo of my progress so far. The back frame for the roof structure is now all jointed up and this trial fit seemed OK to me. I did the back first more by chance than anything, but it is sometimes a good idea as ones technique improves, so by the time the front is ready to be done the results are more satisfactory. In terms of perspective, this view point would mean one would be sitting up in a tree or hovering 50 foot up in the air looking down on the back of the structure I have in mind. There will be one more timber in the mix where the red tie down strap is pulling the beams together, more of a short plank than a post, possibly with some carved characters on. The mortises are there ready for it, as are those on the underside of the pillars to accommodate the ends of those two timbers furthest away on the rack (with flattened surfaces upermost) that will form beams joining the back to the front.
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