I have a friend with a son at this kindergarten and today I got volunteered to help out at a little plaster casting session there. The young lady at the top put me to shame with her hygiene habits. Several times I thought she had run out of steam as she started to rinse off, but she would get another squirt of soap and start right up. No wonder her hands were so small, I am surprised she hadn't worn them down to little dibbers. I tried to start up a friendly convo session in search of tips to take home and share with the family, but she was of the strong silent type, like myself when young and simply gave me the polite smile that indicates words are not to be trifled with.
The other young lady was rather more forward, I am sure she would have climbed on me if I had stayed down there much longer, she definitely had some kind of plans in mind, perhaps she was a sociable cat that had its career cut short in a former life.
How nice it is that children are still so trusting, ever may their trust be rewarded by a consistent supply of people who are worthy of it.
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