The morning went on some strange translation work. I had just enough time in the afternoon to put in the brick arch before it got dark. The little support worked well, but the keystone shaped bricks are bigger than they look here and I had to balance on one leg to delicately hoik the back ones into position without dumping them too hard. There were just two pieces of 5mm plywood front and back strung across the span holding the form in place, so I was able to whip them out as soon as I had finished, pull out the form and tidy up the mortar in the joints. I also took off the shuttering from yesterday's concrete, but forgot about dismantling the chute until it was too late and it was too dark to see. I did remember the chimney in the end, I had a cracked brick, so chopped that in half and the resulting hole will be where the smoke comes out.
Gouache washes on gesso treated plywood 16cmx16cm
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