Bricks work
The weather was fine. I got the next stage of brickwork in today and the little oven will be ready for its arch tomorrow. With wonderful timing, I got a call from the local concrete company around 4:30pm asking if I wanted half a cubic meter of their leftovers. That is now the floor in front of the fly press. I made the horizontal arch wall here with some of their leftovers a year or so back. I am laying the shell of brick and stuffing loose concrete and whatnot down the back of the bricks, so the delivery worked out well. It is particularly auspicious as it means I can start stacking up firewood under the roof that covers the area around the press as soon as the concrete is hard enough to walk on.
This is another gesso coated board. It is a bit blotchy as it got put in to service outside trying out the arch support and some of the concrete splashed on it.
45x23cm plywood and gouache wash.
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