Friday, November 10, 2006


Can't seem to shake this cold. No energy for real world drawing today, back to the tablet PC for the day. Making up a little wooden thing to place under bricks for support while making an arch. This will be for a little brick oven for bread and whatnot. At least I hope it will, the way my head is working I will probably make it without a chimney or something. I just put in the base layer of bricks today, the arch will go in tomorrow.
About ten years ago I found a load of boxes of stick nails for use in an air nailer that had been thrown away by the road side. Despite the fact that I didn't have an air nailer I picked them up and gave them a home on the shelf, they didn't thrive and multiply, but, last year a friend gave me this unit, so I am using up the rusty little devils whenever I get a job that suits. I am afraid the mystic portal for them is a whack on the head and sinking into darkness. Nailing planks on roofs and stuff is what it has been best for. It is also ideal for these fiddly little fix up jobs, you get the peice just where you want it aaannnnddd.... BANG it is nailed.
You can see that my left hand has stopped trusting me, so it is taking care to keep all the unused fingers tucked out of the way. Back in my twenties I chopped the end off of one of them with a planer, and I also gave it a hell of a beating learning to carve stone, so it has good reason for its little foibles.