Working on other stuff today again. Morning ripping out more of the rot and afternoon on the report translation. Written Japanese is a challenge I am not up to. I did a quick sketch of this view down and to the left from where my wife works in her new office space. One of the reasons I like the interconnectedness of this open space with bits of raised floor here and there is that we get different aspects on the places we inhabit most of the time. The green blob on the right is the curtain for the window we duck out of to get firewood from the stack outside. My son at his desk through the open door. The ash can with a stainless bowl we put over potatoes and stuff on the top of the stove when baking them. The widget I made to open the stove lid hanging above that. The stove itself glowing nicely with the kettle on top. The pup in front melting into the floor as he works on being even more stinky. An armchair made of branches with seat woven of straw rope in which I am known to sit.
Water soluble pens on cartridge 15x20cm
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