Carrot top
Back on manual work for half the day today. Putting some work in on a few pieces of iron to be made up into a door fitting. It was fun to use the press again, but it is a little bit crowded with firewood at the moment. I had a quick go on the piano and then did the evening wash up. Whenever my daughter does the cooking and it involves carrots one of these little bonsai vegetables appears on the window sill. This one is from a few days ago and it is looking very verdant in its miniature fractal curvatures. We are having a bit of a spring spa day with our first rain for quite some time. I had to recut the old bath I collect our drinking water in to allow the meager flow to work through properly at a lower level. Anyway I spared a tiny drop for the carrot top as well to keep it sprightly for a while longer.
Charcoal and gouache on cartridge 38x53cm
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