My workload has increased, so as it nears 1 am I must admit defeat as to drawing and get to beddy byes. One of the reasons for drawing my daughter yesterday was that it was the girl child festival day here in Japan. Over the festival period homes with girl children display these kind of dolls (Hina dolls) somewhere about the place. Ours are on the piano. When we first came here we were pretty strapped for cash and when grandma said she wanted us to buy some and gave us the money at a price of 400 quid or so I thought I would rather hold on to the money. I think it says a lot about the culture that there is such a day of thanks giving for boy and girl children as well as special celebrations when kids reach 3, 5 and 7 years of age (only 5 for boys). Now that the little uns are taller and smarter than me I am certainly thankful for having given thanks for them and I shall hope to continue to do so.
Nighty night
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