Look Down
It is a little late again as I went on a baby day out in Tokyo. I mainly went to sort out some financial stuff, but also met with friends and went on my first trip to the top of Tokyo Tower. I am not sure how it compares to the Eifel height wise, but it is not quite as easthetic seen from below, there is more of a sense of straight lines making curves. I was tempted to cheap out and only go up to 150 meters, but ended up going right to the top for 1400 yen. I took a roll and a doughnut and a bottle of coffee up to make the stay a bit more pleasant. Luckily I had my little pocket lens to look down at the sights. The most interesting zoom in ones were a load of high school kids in track suits laid out on the floor doing stretches ready for soccer practice. View wise it was great to see how close the sea was when you just don't get any sense of it being there when walking about down below. At the 150m height there is a glass panel in the floor, which is the sketchy theme for today. The other difference from the paris palaver is that the tower is orange. Back to normal paper drawing tomorrow.
5mins with Artrage 2 on Tablet PC
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