Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Copper boots

A similar view to yesterday, but more light. I realized I would be pushed for time as I had a meeting this evening, so I took a picture of the copper fitting scene. This always seems like it should be simple, but ends up taking a long time. Getting a nice tight fit is the issue as well as making sure that you don't mess up any nails etc. Those one handed clamps are a big help. I only had time to get one of the little booties attached before seven o'clock came round and I had to sign off. That was the one nearest here with the copper still unshaped resting on top. I am leaving the wood scorching for a friend to do as he kind of needs the work. If that doesn't happen I shall entrust it to Sammy or do it myself. I have just scorched the areas around the copper as that has to be done first. The ends also have to be treated with preservative as the any traces of silicon I use to bond the copper on tend to repel the finish if it is applied later. Volunteer work with the kids again tomorrow afternoon, but I should be able to get all the feet on before it is time to head off to that.