
I got my copper boots on, and spent a couple of hours with the kids making knotted misanga bracelets. They seem like a nice bunch of coconuts this year, some of the boys were a bit bubbly last time, but they settled down for the most part. One chap seemed to have one of those attention whatsnames and couldn't keep a grip long enough to do one row of knots. I guess he manages OK in school, but he must either get special attention or be gradually sinking. I couldn't decide whether to draw that session or something else, so opted for being stuck. It seems like I have to decide on a drawing during the day or it gets difficult to focus as the evening draws on. Anyway, even if I have a drawing in the brain box I think I spend quite a bit of time like this figuring out the shapes in my head, and doing very little with the stick eraser and the charcoal. I do have my sleeves rolled up, so I am set for action when ready to strike.
I was told about an episode in this area a while back to do with a teacher of near retirement age who had been riding a motorcycle when under the influence and crashed into the back of a truck. I don't think he was badly hurt, neither was anybody else. He was sacked from his job and declared ineligible for a pension. I guess somebody somewhere has decided he is to be made an example of. I could understand a suspension from duty, and a fine, but to cross somebodies life out just to make an example of them is mighty dubious. I am surprised not to have heard of any strike action. Meanwhile in Tokyo school teachers are being suspended from their jobs if they refuse to sing along to the national anthem at ceremonies where the flag is raised. I wonder when common sense went down the drain, they really ought to get that U bend off and see if it isn't stuck somewhere down there with all those other things that didn't seem useful to spin with. I guess the worst thing is that this is how the people that run the education system feel that they should be doing things. I shall be on the look out for little moustaches.
Charcoal on cartridge 37x53cm
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