Fiddling with ironwork today. I made a jig with two pieces of C girder bolted back to back. These had a straight piece of flat bar and a piece of the same bar cut to form the arc of a circle sandwitched between them. This left a slot at the top into which I placed a flat bar edge up under the press. Tonking down on the bar causes it to bend into the same arc, I kept sliding it along and bumping away until it formed a semi circle. It is hard work bending flat bar end on like this, so I had been thinking of making a jig to help do it in the press. I also wanted to make one that will do angle iron, I am not sure if this one will suffice, but it might well do if the iron is not to meaty. The end product will be a frame for a little arched iron oven door. The next step is to make an extension to the press head so that I can make a full circle by having the tool mount out in front of the body of the press where there will be no obstruction to the end going over the top if I pass work through at about ninety degrees to that shown here. As you can see the work is about to bump into the back of the press after another couple of goes here.
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