Sleeping dogs

I feel the urge to write about a weird news item on the frontpage of the BBC website from the UK for want of anything better. The strange story of the banned photo owned by Mr John. Perhaps it had been editted on the website, but all I saw was two kids messing about, and that photo was being carted off in handcuffs by the local constabulary. I am sure I should let the urge lie like the almost sleeping mut defending the entrance to my daughters space. But what the hell.
I remember when I first went to primary school we had a regular excercise session when we were told to take off all but our vests and pants and daps and skip about doing various pranky things like making ourselves really big or waving in the wind. And that was at a CofE school. I am sure there are many laws banning that sort of thing now, but it goes to show that times change. We as children were assumed to be innocent. I am pretty sure that I had no idea what the girls looked like inside their undies, and I don't think I was that interested in finding out, despite finding them attractive in some way even at age six.
I do not subscribe to the inherent guilt advocated by some religions, but I believe that somewhere in my being I can still contact the time of my innocence as a resource that advises me when to say "That is silly".
It is said that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder, and it can now be added that the same is entirely true of depravity and filth.
Time for dinner.
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