Shelf hugging

I seem to be falling into the grip of some kind of cold, shame really, I don't think the pottering has been unproductive. Last job today aside from sitting down to draw was fitting up another shelf block just outside the door of the shop. The same 25mm plywood put to another use. 150height by 45width and 45depth. I missed having sammy on hand, but just managed to hoik the thing up into position to be screwed to the wall. I had to lean over backawards to get its bum up on the stuff I had in place for it to sit on while I was putting the screws in.
I remember the one occasion when I made the mistake of underestimating the nastiness of falling over backwards carrying a load, I picked up a stack of timber too low down and when it came down to settle on my shoulder it took me skipping back to try and save it until I landed on my bum. I didn't want to drop it, but I should have. You never want to be falling over backwards with a load, there isn't anything much you can do to stop yourself. I suppose those kind of mistakes are best made while you are young..
Lifting very heavy stuff usually makes me laugh, as it is such a ridiculous activity. I also had a snigger at myself this morning when I took the lid off the coffee pot and dipped the knife in to spread it on my toast, weird that I managed to get that far into the routine before realizing that it wasn't the correct substance, lucky I didn't use a spoon or I would probably have got right through to the chewing stage before I noticed..Something funny about this butter....
The shelves got half filled with metal parts and motors I am not using. That has nearly freed up the shelves under another bench which I am keen to get rid of so that I can build something better suited to the purpose.
Anyway, doing the little drawing seems to have cleared my head a bit, so that is most efficacious.
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