I spent part of the day making up a rack to put hammers in. It is made from two bars running around the stump the anvil sits on as shown down on the left. Seeing all the hammers in their spots lined up around the circle pointing at the middle gave me an idea for a big wood rack to go in a dead corner of the shop. The corner is always full of timber stacked up higgledy piggledy against the wall. I thought I could use a few sheets of the 25mm plywood from the site to make up a kind of lazy susan thing with a horizontal rack on one side for short planks and a vertical rack one on the other to accomodate longer planks. Like one of those revolving wall things in a movie. They would just have metal pipes sticking out to rest timber against and the thing would swivel around in the corner to give access to the stuff at the back. I shall try and start on that tomorrow by looking out some big casters to go under it. It would end up about 6 foot in diameter I suppose. It would be great to have a permanent solution to house all those bits of wood that pile up when work is going on.
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