Friday, October 05, 2007


I had occasion to return to one of the recent houses I worked on. Lots of driving, and not much work. The client has not yet moved in, but some of the tea related items had found their way in to the room with the shelves and whatnot. Everything looked very nice all clean and finished, but there were a lot of little bits of masking tape around that made it look like a stage set with marks laid out for actors. I think they were just places where someone had noticed a scratch or something that needed attention, luckily most of my stuff has already suffered scorching and wire brushing, so a scratch here and there is part of the finish. I hope I can say that the work looks OK when it is handed over, but I believe that it should get better and better as time passes and the patina is revealed by constant contact in use. However, not everyone is a fan of that and the new car smell attraction of mass production does have very deep roots in the modern psyche. The trouble is that however much you wax and clean, everything goes downhill from the day you take reciept of the puppy, so it is probably better to start out with a few dings built in.
I also stopped by at the other site to pick up a bit more of the water damaged spruce plywood I have been finding so useful recently. This has little cuts on some edges and the fact that none of the sheets are pristine somehow makes it very easy to use up on home and workshop utilities with a light heart.