Sculpture occupies more space in the world that 2D work. I have a few pieces about the place and my tendency is to string them up to get them out of the way while still having a sense of their presence. Sammy gave me a hand in this little circus act today standing on big upturned pickling buckets that happened to be close at hand. The sculpture in question is a big piece of driftwood carved into a kind of swimming human form that is actually designed to be displayed strung up utilizing little voids here and there in the work, but we were going for practicality rather than aesthetics. Even so the angle that the thing ended up at made it look like it was flying in to try and get through a nearby window.
The whole effort was part of a one day campaign on my part to tidy up some of the chaos outside the home and organize some of the flotsam that has collected here as a result of the renovation elsewhere.
I only recalled this episode as I started scribbling on the paper, so it was nice to have something to aim at even if it ended up as a confusion of bits and bobs, that is a fairly true portrait of those few moments in the day.
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