Scavenging and shopping

We started the day with firewood gathering at the dam yard, reminding me of those scenes sometimes seen on the news of children picking over piles of trash for recyclables.
Then we went on a big shopping expedition in the afternoon. The pendant was well received by Mrs P and she wore it out to the shops along with the bracelet Sammy made. A lot of people out getting in supplies for the New Year. It is surprising how many folk will happily block the aisle with two carts side by side so that they can discuss some trivia holding up scores of us olympic entrants trying to get on to our next purchase. I was forced to embark on a small one man mission away from the family trolley to ensure that we got a bit of the bread we prefer before it ran out. No fights broke out, but one can imagine that if there were a shortage of stuff on the shelves it wouldn't take long before some serious bite wounds started to appear.
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