Most of the day was spent on the computer, but Sammy and I spent a few hours down in the shop figuring out a couple of presents. I won't say what just in case, but Sammy was trying his hand at a tiny bit of blacksmithing for the first time. The bits of metal were pretty small, so I helped him out on some parts by holding the torch so that he could get to bending things while they were still properly hot. The cheapy chainsaw arrived and I tried it out after lunch. Not a complete dogs breakfast, it started up OK and cut fine. No oil or gas leaks, so I hope it will work for a bit. There is something about these cheaper items that shines out in every detail. Even the sockets in the allen bolts are slightly off center, but at least the bolts are there. I hope I will have time to weld up a new bracket for that little carriage tomorrow, but as there is still more translation work to do and I am behind on my little present having given Sammy that boost today I may have to wait until christmas. Right, it is time for me to take to the sheets.
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