Stan Meyer

I spent quite a bit of the morning sparking life into an old 2 stroke engine with the aim of using it for something. Also taking to bits a load of other junk engine related things to get rid of.
I think the signing of the energy bill got me looking at electric cars, then I surfed on to a gizmo called Water4gas that makes a small amount of gas to feed directly in to the air intake on a gasoline powered car and up the mileage. Then I spotted a link to "Water powered car inventor murdered". The said inventor was a chap called Stan Meyer. He claimed to have invented a device based on this demonstration circuit that would produce a large volume of oxygen and hydrogen from water with very little energy input. He also claimed to believe in the power of angels protecting him. The little google video I watched prompted me to search for more information and I found what claimed to be a replica of his demonstration circuit amd lots of photos in a pdf file as well as lots of other information that was too detailed to keep me fully engaged for long. I shall take another look after I have done a bit of water fracturing in the bathtub, hopefully without too much electricity present.
I wonder if it is all true, I hope so, except for the murder of course.
If you are in the mood for some conspiracy theory do a quick search for Stan Meyer.
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