
There was a big change in policy a few years ago when the studded variety of snow tyres were banned and now everyone uses studless. Those old studded tires are still getting washed up at the dam, so many people obviously just chucked their old ones in the rivers or lakes.
Last job was just to check on chainsaw models available at the local shops and buy a little jack plug to mend a set of headphones. They almost always break because of a wire failure at the jack plug end at least that repair worked out OK. One change at the store was little devices to plug into the socket so that you can see a digital read out of how much CO2 is being produced due to your power consumption. It begs the question, how much CO2 was produced in the manufacture of the device. I don't think they were selling like hot cakes thankfully, but at least it shows there is a concern for the issue. Some of the newsletters on investments I subscribe to are tauting Uranium as a nifty investment while the world demand for power continues and fossils are being given their second shot at extinction. I wonder how long a nuclear power station lasts, it is a bit like those kidney transplants, they never mention that the thing does have a well defined and relatively short life span that can not be extended. Nothing quite so useless as a giant lump of radio active concrete. Mind you those same newsletters also recommend the companies that manufacture weapons such as the recently developed micro wave crowd control ray beam. And such investments certainly pay well, but I am not one of those doing the investing in that direction.
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