Another of those days where the drawing urge does not really grab, but having made some marks the shapes begin to appear. Sammy and I on the wood pile again today, the little truck with some big plywood panels to raise the sides helped us carry home the supplies. I do need a bit of a rest from different themes, so I shall flog this one to death in harness for a few days while the new year munching adds to my waistline. In other words I will continue to add to this and see how it develops. I keep forgetting to mention that the boxing speedball exercise has now almost completely cured my semi detached shoulder. And that after only a week of a few minutes pumelling each day.
We watched another movie last night, this time a newer one called Stranger Than Fiction, which was, as my son said, 'Interesting'. It made me particularly happy as it reminded me that there are a lot of people thinking about trying to make things better all over the world, the more the better.
We had company at the wood yard today as a couple were there filling their car with burnables. They had come to see our stove when they had been thinking about getting one, so it was good to see that they had taken the plunge. Their son is at the school where I do my councilor routine, but he wasn't with them today.
Bathtime is calling.
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