Hard cuts

Another in the hopefully continuing, but frustrational series of hemidrawings clutched from the day's doings. I listen to podcasts of late and the folk on one of them were talking about the egotistical nature of blogs, etc. With everyone self obsessing over their daily doings assuming that because they are interested everyone else will be. One can only apologize in all humility for ones contribution to the problem. However, the imposing reality of eventual death and the essential fact that we are all different while sharing that same mortality does rather compel one to "Have a go anyway". And there is always the age old TV argument that these things all come with a handy little off switch or back button.
As to my daily egotisticals, the last of my sips at outdoor activities for the day was to winch out a big lump of Zelkova for some speculative nibbling with the chainsaw.
I got so far with it and then could not make a decision on how to proceed with irrevocable cuts, so much for my ego. There are many sections of complex grain pattern that might be suitable for small pieces, but when one has a big lump of attractive wood it is hard to steel oneself to the logical decision that it would be a waste to carve it as it is. Of all the tons of driftwood chipped up by the city, this is one of the few to avoid that fate, having adopted it for my own, I want to do the best I can for it. That means making a decision before it rots away of its own accord.
So, the saw in the left hand, ready for action, but not following through the imaginary cuts made by the right hand. I am sure they both know what they are doing and the right time will come.
Perhaps tomorrow.
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