
We also sorted out all the bits of chute I had used before to run concrete down from the road under the house when laying the floor of the shop. we are going to need about forty foot of that to get concrete down from the road. The days are getting longer and more gets done. My eye is still a slightly unfamiliar shape, but working fine and well on the way to mending. In fact Sammy's eyes look rather worse as he is suffering from the cedar pollen explosion. It sometimes happens that hikers report forest fires thinking the huge clouds of pollen to be smoke, we had four fire engines and an ambulance shoot up the road today, so I thought some such thing had happened. Then three more went up and stopped just above the house, so we went up to check what was up. A hiker had come a cropper and had been helicoptered off the mountain, so they had come all the way for nothing.
I did keep those specs on all day, and I shall try to stick to that rule.
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