Monday, March 03, 2008


Sammy saving me from picturelesness again. I think this is from a summertime walk with the dog before it got hot enough to burn the dew off this leaf. The dog is just a distant blob following its nose here.
Sammy was digging downstairs again today. I managed not to chip in too much and just let him get on with it. We are nearly there now, there is just a fragment of the old cess tank left and most of the floor is at the right level. I will have to start giving some thought to the plans for getting concrete for the floor and foundations to replace what we have taken out. I got more done on the chair joints and I may have a go at some shaping with the sander tomorrow. Sammy is already suffering with the pollen from the cedars, so I won't do too much of that if he is not keen on the dust. I will also scorch the backs a little to make sure they are not going to warp much before I joint them to the chair seats.