Tray nibbles

Everybody out for the evening and having wasted time on the web I am scrabbling to get on with the evening doings. The day spent among the dust clouds again. No poisonous hydrazine or allegations of plagiarism, just me and the mounting hoard of machines turning out potential bits and bobs. This was the nib view of the tray I mentioned spying from my vantage point on the sofa yesterday. One of those organic fiddly bits I rather enjoy.
Both my daughter and myself are now fully behind Hillary Clinton provided she backs out of the race immediately. I was surprised when my daughter announced her views, they were so similar to my own. Actually we discussed the point just after super Tuesday and I thought it would have been a very human move to back out of the race right then in order to shut the news up for a bit. Obviously neither of us are politicians or a pundits and HRC is determined to follow advice, which is producing stunned silence from the crowd instead of support. At least she is spending her own money, I suppose the calling to be the first woman in the bowl is too much of a temptation to pass aside without a fight however ill managed.
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