Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Wood management

Half a day spent on computer stuff and then down in the shop for some more of those tenon joints while listening to BBC radio Start The Week in my fishbowl helmet. They were talking about president Bush and how the war in Iraq has cost three trillion dollars, so it is a wonder I didn't have an accident. A week or two of the five year war fund would have paid for 75 to 80 years of welfare in America, a few days covers the controversial aid contribution to Africa, those were the kind of statistics being floated. Well goodness me.
Sammy put in a solid afternoon on chopping wood and I just came up as evening was drawing in to carry a few odd bits while he stacked the last few hunks on the pile. The writing arm does the picking, the other is crooked to hug the stack of wood.
I am terrible a maths, but I think this is right.
1 trillion has 12 zeros in America.
1 dollar is 0.0043 inches thick.
That is 12,900,000,000 inches.
There are 63,360 inches in a mile.
So that is a stack of dollar bills 203,598 miles high. (about 327589km)
It is 238,857 miles to the moon, so they are nearly there.