I am interested in changing over from evening posting to morning posting, it might allow me more time to get at the sheet music on the piano in the evening and give a different insight into the day. Both Sammy and I are getting a lot more out of our evening sessions with most of the keyboard on our upright tuned up. Sammy spent most of Sunday digging out foundations again. The two beams laid on their side under the wall there are holding it up waiting for me to devote a couple of hours to putting a bit more shuttering in. I think I will pour another block under there and stick a temporary strut in there while I figure out the chute for the concrete. The tiny footings we put in under the new pillars are solid enough now and that will allow me to take out the temporary pillars resting on blocks when we pour the floor. It is easy to start getting nervous over all these major undertakings, but the fact is that this arrangement is hardly any less stable than the situation before we started, the foundations were almost floating in a lot of places.
Back down on the chairs for today.
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