All day repeating this kind of procedure getting the tenons on three chair backs to fit properly. Mainly tapping home and then marking up to remove little slivers of material from the shoulders of the joints to adjust the fit. The more pieces you have the more complicated it is to get them to fit. Machines are good for the rough cutting, but in the end it always seems to come down to jiggery pokery with a little chisel. The other part of the process is developing a clamping methodology to squeeze everything up together. So lots of trial and error, chiseling and whatnot. I had hoped to be on final sanding, scorching and gluing, but the joints were just no longer an acceptable fit. I don't know if you have ever made something that involves joinery, but there is something satisfying in having all the bits ready with their knobbles cut and ready to fit together. I enjoy the contrast between the practical regularity of the internals and the organic exterior.
Today is another family birthday, so I have been sparing an occasional thought for my pops as the day has progressed and will be raising a glass later on.
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