Modern machete

I got stuck into the process of lowering the daylight from the canopy of jungle down on to the tea bushes today. Near drowning in a horrible grabbing chaos of tangled branches and bamboo with an occasional mutant cedar mixed in. Before that I had chopped back all of the tea rows to a reasonable shape with a pair of shears. I also did a little shaping on the chairs, but to be honest I was having to move my whole torso just to lift the arms up a bit as they were tired out. It felt strangely refreshing to be dealing with simple manual chores yesterday and today, too there was a nice sense of airiness gained in the area next to the house that had been a wall of jungle.
I should have worn a hard hat, but I was saved several taps on the noggin by the head band on the ear protectors. I think I will have to give it a rest and let the muscles recover tomorrow while I go back to the craftwork.
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