Freeing the pipes

A day of varied activities, morning computer, afternoon water pipes, evening tackling the taming of the rats nest. The water works partly in the company of young Sammy. All appeared to go well with pipe clearance for the elderly lady who lives up the way, but there was a recurrence of some sort of earthy thrombosis in after hours trading. I was called away from my electrical quandries to inspect the situation, but it was too late to do much except promise another attempt on the morrow. The pipes used to supply drinking water to the household, but now they just supply the pond, so only of vital concern to the fish therein.
I took a brief break to check out the goings on outside the republican convention. Apparently they established some free speech zones like the protest areas in China during the olympics. There was a video on you tube of an inoffensive woman being frogmarched off and sumarily arrested when she stepped outside of the area while politely speaking the unforgivable words "Please don't arrest me". I guess she had her own adgenda for the afternoon. In an unrelated episode on the BBC a middle american chap told how he would not be voting for Mr Obama because he knew the senator had been sworn into office with his hand on the Koran and had turned his back on the flag during the ceremony. It is amazing what happens to light and sound waves as they enter the human body, all kinds of refractions and conversions allow us to see and hear exactly what we want, or perhaps even what others want.
The campaign of terror and misinformation seems to be hotting up for the autumn.
I shall endeavor to add imagery for my own day later. Now added, Sammy carrying the tools back down from the digging work with me following behind clinging to all available bamboo supports. Sammy went with a no sleeve shirt and got bitten to bits by mosquitos.
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