
More work on the shelving and a little go at mixing cement and laying breeze blocks for Sammy.
I don't remember seeing the moon lying on it's side much during the half of my life that I lived in the UK, but it seems to be napping regularly here in Japan and looked splendid this evening split almost exactly in half.
We used to mix cement at the side of the road when I was a kid, making up a mountain of sand mixing it dry with the cement and then making a crater in the middle to fill with water before mixing it wet. You could tell who was doing work on their house by the big limey patches on the road outside. Here we use a plastic or metal trough kind of thing (called a fune, which is the same word as for boat) and a nifty tool like a very light hoe for mixing and scooping the gloop into buckets. It is a lot easier to use than a shovel and doesn't cause anywhere near as much agro for the lower spine, so I really ought to find out what it is called.
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