I decided to use the branches I had kept back for the chair making at the school today. It took a few trips up the steps to the road to get them all on the truck. I spent about half an hour on a little model chair about six inches high to give the kids an idea of what the joints would look like. As usual when I do that kind of thing the natural flow seems to be for them to copy the thing and that was what happened today also, even though I stress that I would rather that they didn't. It is a shame we don't have time to give them a chance to make something of their own based on what they learn.
It was another beautiful autumn day, out walking the pup in the morning I was struck by the contrast of the yellow Gingko leaves and the blue sky as I observed the diurnal moon still in an almost perfect half, but upright as befits the daytime. Also by the sharpness of my shadow traversing the ground as it tracked me during the various pursuits of the day.
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