I thought it would only take a morning to cut up the dross and bundle the good stuff from yesterday's trip, but in the end I was at it most of the day. I will be back at the yard again on Wednesday, so I wanted to get things clear enough for another load to come in. I think the extra time went because I was trimming some of the stuff down to a width suitable for wall timbers, I had my little guide on the circular saw and had a fairly pleasant time listening to "This American Life" as I worked. It was the episode called "Who do you think you are", which is the current one I believe. Part of it was people talking about their memories of the great depression, which was interesting, especially as many of the people sounded quite young as their voices had failed to age.
Inevitably some of the sorted wood ends up being gassified in our chubby stove to rejoin the carbon cycle. I didn't do much in the way of maintenance on the chap, but he is putting in good service already this season. With well dried conifers I have to keep the vent closed up pretty tight or they disappear in a jiffy. Here they are rendering down with a healthy glow.
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