
The rain arrived as promised and forced a lot of the dithering leaves into accepting their fate to flop down from their perches. Those of the disposable solar panels blessed with greater sense had taken the fine weather during the week as their moment to fall with style allowing their delicate motion to contribute to the autumn beauty we have been enjoying.
I spent the day smashing things, chopping things up and burning trash in the form of wood plane shavings etc. I don't burn plastic or anything measley around the home as I think it might stink out the neighbors. They certainly make a stink up the way every now and again when things are allowed to smolder. Stuffing the stove is part of the daily routine again and there is certainly plenty of stuff to go in it.
Just yesterday evening the local fire engine was out on patrol with a loudspeaker warning us how dry things are and to take care to avoid starting forest fires, but today even the brightest stray spark would stand no chance in the damp drizzle that has taken over from mellow fruitfulness.
I am getting close to needing a trip to the scrap yard to get rid of metal scraps. I abandoned welder machine maintenance and just used the oxyacetylene torch to cut the oil can into shape. I gave it to the chap up the road for his rubbish burning endeavors, I hope he uses it wisely. He came down later with a packet of biscuits and a can of beer in return. I sampled both at the appropriate points during lunch.
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