Nearly done
Foolishly I had taken the whole thing to bits this morning before I remembered to take a picture. I got the final fittings all done and was just at the point where it would be possible to glue the thing up, but managed to stop myself as it was really time to leave the shop rather than embark on a stamina session where mistakes would be more likely. I wanted to cut the back planks and fit them while the glue was still not dry also, so I shall be on to that tomorrow and take a picture when I am done to fill in here.
I am particularly fond of the second shelf up. I like the way the grain doubles back over the front edge. I wanted the same thing for the other shelf, but the grain wasn't suited to it.
I am particularly fond of the second shelf up. I like the way the grain doubles back over the front edge. I wanted the same thing for the other shelf, but the grain wasn't suited to it.
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