
After another full three days on the finishing work the door was just about done yesterday evening, but a last minute incident broke one of the small panes at the foot. Just a result of compound fatigue and thankfully not a big problem. I went back again this afternoon to do some final finishing and replace that. I also took away the old door and all the other associated gubbins in the vicinity. I borrowed Sammy's old camera for its extra pixels, but I couldn't get a wide enough angle to give a better idea of the interior ambiance. I think I must invest in a better camera at some point.
These kind of doors need to go through the annual cycle before they can be left to their own devices. There will probably be some adjusting to do in the coming year. For now all the locks and latches work OK, so I am done. In the past I have used iron hinges, but the stainless steel ones I used this time made it possible to bend the hinges in a vice to give some level of adjustment while not having to worry about cracking off the finish and exposing the metal to the elements.

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