Bob a Job
Something of an invasion of territory. I took a week off from the roof project. On monday I went and fetched more cypress logs from the dam stockyard and spent the rest of the week up to Friday preparing these and other timbers for a project to remove an obstructive beam from my wife's work area. The cut off ends of the beam are visible at left and right here about half way up the new pillars. To enter the space one used to have to limbo under the beam, the urge to duck still overcomes us at the portal, but there is now no need to bow on entry. I timed the construction for a three day spell in which the office would be empty and just managed to get everything back in rough order ready for a reorganization of the chaos with the new layout. This is the area that featured back in October 2006. Actually the drawing from the 19th shows me sitting on the now defunct beam to measure up for the hole to fit the velux window in the roof here.
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