We did go and get more wood yesterday and I cut up some of it today. The other chore was facing up to getting rid of another load of scrap metal and whatnot that had been getting a little obtrusive down in front of my workshop. There is still a lot more to do, but this was a good session of tidying, cutting things up small with the torch and friday is the day for it with the rubbish collection. When evening came around I was outside burning a load of scrappy wood shavings and stuff. I could here the boar down the valley snorting again, so went down to take a look. They really do not mind the light at all and it takes some serious movement to even cause a pause in chewing. I watched this one for ages, putting the lantern on a wall to give my arm a rest, eventually I started tossing little stones to see how much disturbance the animal would take. Basically I think these animals would very soon become endangered if the supermarkets all closed down. This looked like the same animal as the one the other week to me, not a fully grown adult, and with a very high tolerance for human presence. The main food seems to be roots with just constant foraging, not even pausing to excrete, just letting things come out naturally. The buttress wall here drops down to where a little rivulet flows out. They also dig around in there a lot and I think they eat crabs, foraging under rocks for the hibernating crusties.
Washes and charcoal on cartridge 25x35cm
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