Young pig
All went well with the crane exploits, I had Sammy to help out pushing the appropriate buttons and well out of the way should any catastrophic failure occur. I gave him strict instructions not to try to help out unless told to and he seemed like he would happily do that. I took the furnace to the school and unloaded there. As I was parking the truck back at home I heard noises down the valley a way, so I asked Sammy if he wanted to go and check it out. I was pretty sure it was wild boar, but not sure of their size or current attitude to the larger primates, so I gave sammy the torch and took along my wrecking bar. We couldn't see the bugger at first even shining the torch here and there after hearing a very definite sniff in the brush. In the end we spotted this chap and snuck up about five meters from him. He didn't mind the light at all, but eventually grew uncomfortable and headed off into the brush clearing his nasal passages all the way. I think he could sense me recollecting the last time I skinned a wild boar.
I included some of the battlefield on the living room table today. The surrounding scene while painting is pretty much like that on Nov 18. I like these little tray things that all screw together for mixing washes in and the paint bottles are grease bottles from the hardware store filled from larger bottles of acrylic gouache. I went for as cheap a painting set as I could, buying just primaries, black and white and mixing up a small secondary assortment.
Gouache washes and compressed charcoal on cartridge 25x35cm
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